Thursday, July 14, 2011

Woodland Indian Hamlet Volunteer Day!

On Saturday July 9, 2011 a number of volunteers came out to the Woodland Indian Hamlet at Historic St. Mary's City to assist in the witchott re-construction effort.
Coby and his team welcomed the additional help of the ten motivated volunteers as the construction of the witchott could finally begin.

Coby explains the construction of the witchott to volunteers and visitors using a model
Volunteers and the re-construction crew worked together to remove the arches from the frame and carry them to the site.

 The arches are then moved into place, set in the foundation replacing the original markers.
 The bases of the posts are buried 1 foot under the foundation, encased in pvc pipe and packed with dirt and gravel.
 As the team worked through the pre-prepared poles more volunteers stripped bark from additional cedar saplings to be used later as the construction progresses.
 Volunteers gather around to learn how to use their tools to strip away bark from the saplings.
Deputy Director Jennifer Legates works along side the re-construction crew and volunteers
 With hatchets, knives, and blades in hand, volunteers get to work preparing a pile of saplings.

 With the help of our volunteers, 12 "golden arches" were erected throughout the day and the framework of the witchott began to take shape.

Historic St. Mary's City and the Witchott Re-construction Crew would like to thank volunteers Lee Magnuson, Keith Perkins, David Rotman, Barbara Disenbacher, Bill Rush, Billy Rush, Carolyn Corbin, Regina Faden, Jennifer Legates, and Anne Forest for all their hard work.

Our next Woodland Indian Hamlet Volunteer Day will take place July 23, 2011. Come out and take part in the Re-construction Project!

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